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Special Projects

Who are Special Projects for?

Our Special Projects cater for organisations who suspect they could make better decisions and obtain competitive advantage by utilising Geospatial insights, but who are not in a position to harness the technology themselves; in particular to do it cost-effectively.

We are experts at helping organisations to understand their requirements for decision-making data, designing a cost-effective data source and putting it into production.  We can do this as a one-off or as an ongoing project.

We have undertaken special projects across multiple use cases, such as monitoring of global stock-piles, providing decision making insight on global metals production activity, helping customers make crop management decisions, monitoring borders, providing insight on aircraft dispositions.

Why commission an Earth-i Special Project?

Special Project customers typically make decisions using insight about things that happen in remote or multiple places, or across the globe. 

They undertake a Special Project to get the insight they need in a better way.  For example:

  • Faster (or more frequently);
  • More reliably;
  • More accurately;
  • With more information or detail;
  • More cheaply.

Commonly, customers are not experts in Earth Observation.  They request an Earth-i Special Project because it will provide them with the skills, experience and resource to:

  • Establish whether Earth Observation could help them;
  • Design an approach that will provide the insight they need;
  • Test the idea;
  • Optimise the idea for performance and cost;
  • Put it into practice;
  • Maintain it.

What steps are involved?

We keep the development of Special Projects as simple as possible, to make it easy to develop your ideas and make a decision.

The main steps are as follows:

  • Initial Consultation
  • Rough Outline Proposal
  • Proof of Concept
  • Review Meeting
  • Project Initiation
  • Development Review(s)
  • Ongoing service
Initial consultation

This is typically around an hour’s conversation.

Rough outline proposal

We summarise our thoughts and an outline proposal, and document this for you within a week of our consultation.

Proof of concept

This is a desk exercise in which we assess and simulate how we might use various sources of Earth Observation data, typically using historic data. 

We provide a high level view of any additional (non-Earth Observation) data sources, and any AI or Machine Learning that might be applied to the situation.  

Typically, we also identify several cost options to review with you; considering different data sources, resolutions and data frequencies, to optimise results and cost.

A Proof of Concept typically takes one to two weeks to produce, and will result in a more detailed proposal and costs.

Review meeting

We review the output of the Proof of Concept with you, to get your feedback and refine ideas.  You decide how you would like to proceed.

Project Initiation

We’ll create a detailed plan and work with you and your subject matter experts to develop the project.

Development Review(s)

We establish a review schedule appropriate to the project design.  Reviews are used to share progress, to discuss questions, issues and next steps, and to sign off on key stages.

Ongoing service

Since most decision-making is concerned with trends and changes over time, there is commonly an ongoing service element, to maintain the supply of data and insight.

What makes an Earth-i Special Project so special?

We’re proud of our capability and track record with client projects.

What makes our projects special is a combination of things, such as:

  • The breadth of expertise and experience we call upon
  • The machine learning and AI that helps turn data into information and insight
  • The market-leading range of data sources we call upon across multiple satellite operators, multiple spectral bands and external sources (eg weather).
  • Our consultative approach that gets to the heart of your needs and tailors a solution just for you.

Who resources your Special Project?

Special Projects are led by one of our senior leadership team, supported by subject matter experts, engineers and data scientists appropriate to your particular situation.  You’ll have named points of contact once you decide to go ahead.

Whoever you engage with at Earth-i, you’ll find us friendly, helpful and proactive!

How to initiate an Earth-i Special Project

We know that you will have many questions and that you won’t want to be pressured.  We’re  understand!  We’re here to help you, so there is no obligation to proceed, and no expectation on our part.

Speak with our team today

Informal Call

Most people start by requesting an informal call, which can then lead to an initial consultation if you wish to proceed further.

RFP process

If you are running a formal process, you are welcome to submit your Request for Price, Pre-qualification questionnaire or other document for us to respond to.


If you are running a formal process, you are welcome to submit your Request for Price, Pre-qualification questionnaire or other document for us to respond to.

Table of Contents

Get in touch

Need some help finding the answers?

Would you like to share your Earth Observation requirements with us? Or discuss the possibility of using satellite imagery to solve challenges within your business?

Submit an RFP
Submit an NDA

Use Cases


Earth Observation is used where decision-making requires insight about things that happen in remote locations, across multiple locations or over broad areas; often across the globe.  This geospatial insight typically involves changes that happen over time.

Case Studies


Earth-i has a long history of successful projects.  Here is a selection of case studies

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