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ESA Living Planet Symposium in Prague May ’16

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  • ESA Living Planet Symposium in Prague May ’16

Peter Hausknecht – Chief Scientist at Earth-i attended the recent European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium in Prague. This is what he had to say about the event:
Two words – actually three words come to my mind: Very Very Good. One can argue about the usefulness of such big events: more than 3300 participants, thousands of poster presentations and a symposium programme which was full of excellent presentations meant that attendees were spoilt for so many good choices. But one cannot argue about the excellent networking opportunities and occasion for information exchange this event provided, especially for our young Earth Observation researchers. It was great to see so many young people who could afford to attend this event being free of charge.
It shows that Earth Observation in Europe – with the fully operational Sentinel ‘big data stream’ just beginning and the EU Copernicus programme already in full swing – has a great future and the uptake in the next generation of EO scientists is huge.
Earth-i, the British EO service provider of high resolution satellite data and application products, already plays an important part within this bright and interesting future in Earth Observation in Europe.
Prague was an excellent host city, and the venue big enough to match the occasion. Being well connected to public transport and the organiser’s great idea to make free public transport part of the conference registration added to the successful event. Plenty of helpers and staff ensured that everything went smoothly before, during and after the sessions.
So if you missed the chance to attend this year … plan for 2019 !

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