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Industry can contribute a huge amount to the defence intelligence community, so what’s holding them back?

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  • Industry can contribute a huge amount to the defence intelligence community, so what’s holding them back?

The diverse nature of threats to security has never been so immense, and it has long been recognised that geospatial information provides a unique perspective to assist in understanding this environment. It is also widely recognised that the commercial world could play an increasingly important role in supporting Governments and Agencies in combating threats and enhancing our understanding.
Across all areas of defence, the need for Government organisations to work more closely with industry is starting to be acknowledged, especially within the intelligence community. The complexity and global nature of the contemporary threat environment is placing unparalleled demands on resource-strapped defence, security and intelligence organisations. This has created the need for the the development of innovative approaches to ensure an information advantage is maintained. Sean Corbett, Director of Defence, Security and Intelligence, explores the opportunity for the defence and intelligence community to partner with industry to address major challenges in today’s world.
Sean Corbett CB, MBE joined Earth-i after thirty years’ service as a professional intelligence officer in the RAF and was also the first non-US Deputy Director of a US Intelligence Agency.
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