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“…a new day, a new beginning”

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  • “…a new day, a new beginning”

By Richard Blain, CEO of Earth-i.
With less than a week to go until launch of our pre-production prototype satellite, VividX2, there’s an ever growing sense of excitement, anticipation and yes – a little anxiety too. Our treasured spacecraft is about to be thrust into orbit atop a controlled explosion in the second most violent manoeuvre it’s ever likely to face.

All the meticulous preparation and testing, conducted by our trusted partners Surrey Satellite Technology, is heritage-assured so our confidence is high and measured as we approach this important landmark in Earth-i‘s development.
Our launch provider ISRO has one of the very best records in the industry and I envy my colleague Adrian Norris who will be in India for the blast off on 12th January.
Earth-i is on the most exciting journey and every one of our exceptionally talented, motivated and professional team is looking forward to our spacecraft being deployed in orbit around our planet. No matter what your background, or how long you’ve been associated with the space industry, one can’t help but to marvel at these impressive scientific and technical achievements.

In fact there’s a palpable sense of achievement for every individual involved – and that grows with every milestone we pass on our journey to become one of the world’s leading providers of space-derived geospatial data and derived products.
Our recruitment drive continues and we anticipate that the successful launch of VividX2 will attract yet more excellent talent to our expanding team.
In the meantime the launch countdown screen in our office blinks enticingly, second after second, as we race towards a new chapter on Earth-i’s journey.

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