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Earth-i Copper Smelting Index showing the economic recovery in China is real!

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  • Earth-i Copper Smelting Index showing the economic recovery in China is real!

Copper smelting index is giving us clear indications that the economic recovery in China is real
13 April 2020 – The SAVANT Global Copper Smelting Index, a unique index launched in October 2019 by Earth-i and Marex Spectron, is Marex giving clear indications that the economic recovery in China is real. There is life after lock-down and these alternative data products are showing those economic leading indicators.
Savant Index (China) from April 2019 to April 2020

Earth-i provides unique insights and analytics through Earth Observation. It utilises industry leading access to more than thirty multi-sensor / multi-resolution satellites and has developed advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-led analytics to build on its satellite image processing expertise. Earth-i launched its own Earth Observation satellite in 2018, capable of collecting high definition colour videos from space.
The SAVANT Global Copper Smelting Index monitors up to 90% of the smelting capacity for copper around the globe. Using daily updated sources, including extensive use of geospatial data collected from satellites, the index reports on the activities at the world’s smelting plants offering subscribers unprecedented levels of coverage, accuracy and reliability. This dataset allows users to make better informed and more timely trading decisions.
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Marex Spectron is a leading global commodities brokerage, with significant market share of many major Agricultural, Metal and Energy products. Headquartered in London, Marex Spectron’s extensive international network covers Europe, Asia and North America markets.
State-of-the-art electronic and voice broking services facilitates all types of trading strategies. This is backed by decades of experience, with Marex Spectron placing great emphasis on intellectual knowledge and insight, alongside access to extensive data sets and the latest analytical tools. Its clients are commodity producers and consumers, banks, hedge funds, asset managers, brokers, commodity trading advisors and professional traders.

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