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Earth-i announces new satellite video exploitation platform – VANTAGE

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  • Earth-i announces new satellite video exploitation platform – VANTAGE

Earth-i announces new satellite video exploitation platform – VANTAGE
23rd July 2020 – Earth-i is delighted to announce that it has secured a contract with the European Space Agency to implement the Earth Observation Video Analytics and Exploitation Platform which is to be called Vantage.
Responding to a tender in open competition, Earth-i teamed with global IT services experts CGI to submit the winning proposal. The project kicked off in March 2020 and development work is already well under way. The aim is to have a first version of the platform ready to launch publicly in time for the ESA “Phi Week” event in September 2020.
Vantage will be a cloud-based online environment where users can analyse videos acquired from space and extract value for their own research and/or business purposes. It will offer an archive of videos acquired from satellites, including data from the Earth-i Vivid-X2 satellite that was launched in 2018. Alongside the data will be a repository of tools to process these videos and extract value from them – including derivation of 3D models, detection of objects of interest in the videos, extraction of movement vectors, or building up cloud-free composite images.
“Capturing video from Earth Observation (EO) is one of the most exciting innovations to hit the remote sensing world in recent times”, commented Josef Aschbacher, Director of Earth Observation Programmes at the European Space Agency. “High-resolution, full-colour EO video could enable fundamental and disruptive changes for the Geospatial Intelligence and Earth Observation industries, and ESA is excited to be funding the development of this platform.”
Commenting on the contract award, Chetan Pradhan, Head of Institutional Engagement at Earth-i said “Earth-i continues to push the boundaries in terms of investigating the value that can be extracted from high-resolution video from space, in order to make a step change in situational awareness, modelling and predictive analytics. Built using open source technologies and adhering to open standards, the VANTAGE platform will interoperate with the ecosystem of Earth Observation exploitation platforms being developed by the European Space Agency, and will offer M2M interfaces and APIs to enable businesses and researchers to interact with the platform.”
For more information on the project please visit – ESA – Vantage
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About Earth-i
Earth-i provides unique insights and analytics through Earth Observation. It utilises industry leading access to more than thirty multi-sensor / multi-resolution satellites and has developed advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-led analytics to build on its satellite image processing expertise. Earth-i launched its own prototype Earth Observation satellite in 2018, collecting high definition colour videos from space.
About ESA
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country.

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