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Earth-i teams up with Pantoja Engineering in Brazil

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Earth-i teams up with Pantoja Engineering in Brazil
22nd September 2020 – Earth-i is pleased to announce it has joined forces with Pantoja Engineering in Brazil. The Pantoja team’s deep expertise in engineering services mean it is well placed to support Earth-i’s access to the Brazilian market, and deliver innovative remote sensing and geospatial intelligence solutions to its customers.
Ricardo Pantoja, CEO of Pantoja Engineering commented “The capabilities and accuracy of satellite remote sensing services fused with AI have been growing steadily year after year, and keeping Brazilian customers up-to-date is the daily mission of the Brazilian engineering and services company Pantoja Engineering & Consultant. The partnering of Pantoja with Earth-i allows Brazilian asset owners, contractros and governmental organisations to monitor risk of critical infrastructure projects in build or operation. Projects that are critical to the Brazilian economy and people, such as mining, infrastructure for cities, sanitation, and agriculture. The combination of Pantoja and Earth-i will help Brazilian companies solve their problems at scale and while maintaining their operational health and productivity.”
Owen Hawkins, Product Development Director at Earth-i, said “Working with Pantoja Engineering allows us to cost-effectively access new markets where there is a strong demand for the innovation offered by our SPECTRUM, SAVANT and ACCORD services. Our companies’ share a drive for excellence which will be a benefit to all our customers in Brazil. I look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration.”
About Earth-i
Earth-i is an innovative British Geospatial Information provider fusing multi-operator, multi-resolution, multi-sensor Earth Observation (EO) data including satellite video coupled with advanced analytics and geospatial experts to provide near-real time actionable insights.
To find out more please visit Earth-i.
About Pantoja Engineering
Pantoja Engineering is nationally recognized for its excellent service in solving complex infrastructure problems in harsh environments, through consultancy, training and innovation that delivers lower risk and redcued operating and maintenance costs.
To find out more please visit Pantoja Engineering & Consultant.
For more information about this press release, please contact:
#earthobservation #alternativedata #ai #remotesensing #geospatialdata #geotechnicalengineering

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