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How Earth-i’s AI-enabled geospatial platform SPECTRUM supports the Rail industry

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  • How Earth-i’s AI-enabled geospatial platform SPECTRUM supports the Rail industry

How Earth-i’s AI-enabled geospatial platform supports the Rail industry
2nd November 2020 – Earth-i, a leading provider of satellite data AI analytics, has published a video to show how their AI-enabled geospatial platform, SPECTRUM, answers valuable questions for the Rail industry at scale.
Owen Hawkins, Product Development Director at Earth-i gives a quick overview of how Earth-i is using multi-sensor, multi-resolution satellite remote sensing data for the rail industry to highlight vegetation encroachment and high resolution ground movement using Earth-i’s SPECTRUM portal. Earth-i’s partnership with SatSense brings together two key risk monitoring areas for the rail industry into one solution.
Click to watch the video – SPECTRUM for Rail.
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About Earth-i
Earth-i is a geospatial intelligence company using machine learning, artificial intelligence and Earth Observation data to provide unique and relevant insights, derived from diverse geospatial data, that deliver clear decision advantage for businesses, governments and other organisations.
Earth-i provides advanced analytics using automated interpretation of a range of geospatial Earth Observation data sources including colour imagery, colour video, infra-red and radar from a range of sources including satellite, drone, aerial and ground-based sensors. This data is fused with additional data sources to extract factual understanding and generate predictive insights across a range of markets such as commodities, supply chain, agriculture, infrastructure and defence.
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