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Earth-i announces 1st Satellite Video Coding Challenge

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Earth-i announces 1st VANTAGE Satellite Video Hackathon
20th October 2021 – Earth-i is delighted to announce the first VANTAGE coding challenge!
Focussed on The Urban Environment the challenge will take place between 15th till the 26th November 2021.
The winners will be awarded prizes of up to Euro 1500!
The competition will run over a period of two weeks, with technical support available from Earth-i and CGI.
You may enter as an individual or as a team. You will be given access to the VANTAGE platform, a selection of satellite videos, and example code for processing the videos.
Winners will be selected by a panel including Earth-i, CGI and ESA representatives. The evaluators will be looking for:

  • innovation in terms of new methods for processing satellite video
  • optimisation in terms of algorithms that are fast and efficient
  • quality in terms of the accuracy/reliability of the output products
  • value in terms of potential for commercial end-user applications

Event Timetable & Registration Details

  • Registration Deadline: Thursday 11 November 2021
  • Registration: by email to including details of any resource/library requests you may have. You will need a Google or LinkedIn account in order to register and access the platform.

Competition Opens: Monday 15 November 2021

  • Briefing & Tutorial Webinar: 15 November, 10:00-11:00 CEST
  • Tech Support Available: 15-19 November, 10:00-17:00 CEST
  • Tech Support Continues: 22-26 November, 10:00-17:00 CEST

Closing Sessions: Friday 26 November 2021

  • Individual 15-min Presentation Slots: 10:00-14:00 CEST
  • Winners Announced / Awards Ceremony: 16:00-17:00 CEST

Source: Vivid-X2 satellite video / VANTAGE Platform

In the first of 3 coding challenges, we are calling for EO coding enthusiasts to use the VANTAGE platform to demonstrate innovative ways to exploit satellite videos of urban scenes. This could include looking for movement on roads, looking for specific objects or features such as buildings, or creating a 3D model by exploiting the different viewing angles in the video.
The competition is open to all EO algorithm developers and enthusiasts.
More information here – Flyer – VANTAGE Coding Challenge #1
There will be future coding challenges in January and April 2022 focussed on Industrial Facilities and the Rural Environment.
What is VANTAGE?
VANTAGE is a new, online, cloud-based platform for analysis and exploitation of video from space. It includes a repository of high-definition satellite videos captured from EO satellites, and a suite of analytical tools for extracting value and insight from the videos, plus support for user-defined workflows and algorithms.
To find out more please visit
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About Earth-i
Earth-i provides unique insights and analytics through Earth Observation. It utilises industry leading access to more than thirty multi-sensor / multi-resolution satellites and has developed advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-led analytics to build on its satellite image processing expertise. Earth-i launched its own prototype Earth Observation satellite in 2018, collecting high definition colour videos from space.

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