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Earth-i releases new satellite video AI on VANTAGE platform

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Earth-i releases new satellite video AI on VANTAGE platform
15th February 2021 – Earth-i is delighted to announce the latest release of AI on the VANTAGE platform, an ESA funded Earth Observation Video Analytics and Exploitation Platform.
In this release the Earth-i Technology Team has added automated 3D capabilities to support Earthworks Monitoring use cases. These new features include monitoring mine production, reporting on supply chain stockpiles, as well as planning and inspecting major infrastructure construction projects. The AI has been developed to work on Vivid-i and Planet SkySat satellite videos.
The new satellite video algorithms added in this release include:

  • 3D model creation – The VANTAGE platform computes a 3D model of the satellite scene and outputs it as a Mesh, DSM and Point Cloud.
  • 3D volumetric change detection reporting – The VANTAGE platform undertakes change detection between two pre-processed 3D models to map cut and fill regions and report on the volumetric changes detected.

Source: Vivid-X2 satellite video / VANTAGE Platform

The above new services are added to the existing VANTAGE services which include:

  • Vessel detection – an AI algorithm to detect and count vessels in satellite video
  • Motion tracking – an AI algorithm to track velocity and direction of vessels at sea
  • Cloud-free compositing – an AI algorithm to composite multiple video frames segment the clouds and then removes them to create a cloud-free satellite image
  • Video stabilisation – an AI algorithm to stabilise video by aligning each video frame
  • Frame extraction – an algorithm to break the video down into individual images for 2D image processing
  • Video generation – an algorithm to take multiple 2D images and build it back up into a video, as well as transcoding videos into different formats (e.g. H.264, H.265, MPEG and Motion JPEG)

If you’d like to join the VANTAGE early adopters programme Contact Us, or if want more information on the project please visit – ESA – Vantage.
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About Earth-i
Earth-i provides unique insights and analytics through Earth Observation. It utilises industry leading access to more than thirty multi-sensor / multi-resolution satellites and has developed advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-led analytics to build on its satellite image processing expertise. Earth-i launched its own prototype Earth Observation satellite in 2018, collecting high definition colour videos from space.

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