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December 2017 Newsletter

2017 is rapidly coming to an end and it’s been quite a year for Earth-i. The last 12 months have proved to be an exciting ride and the ambitious targets we set ourselves in 2016 are quickly becoming a reality.
Since our last newsletter we’ve commissioned, from our partners SSTL, the next five satellites in our new full-colour video constellation and sent our prototype service demonstrator satellite to Antrix in India for launch – both huge milestones in Earth-i’s progress.
We’re also thrilled with our new Inside Earth-i video which stars a few members of our team. Take a look at the video which captures a few slices of the excitement that’s building at our HQ in Guildford.
The new year is shaping up to be even bigger and better, and we’d like to wish all our newsletter subscribers a prosperous 2018.

Click here to view our December newsletter.

Best wishes,
Richard Blain, Founder and CEO.

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