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Earth-i announces forthcoming operational data services from the DMC3/TripleSat Constellation

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  • Earth-i announces forthcoming operational data services from the DMC3/TripleSat Constellation

First images pave the way for commencement of operational data services by Earth-i providing dependable, very high resolution, daily global imaging opportunities.
Earth-i expects to begin offering full operational imaging and data services later this year from the DMC3/TripleSat constellation and will place specific focus on fast, easy and convenient access for data users. Founded and run by prominent and experienced individuals from the Earth Observation industry, Earth-i is located in the UK close to the Surrey Space Centre, and the satellites’ manufacturer, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.
Three identical 1m resolution optical satellites make up the DMC3/TripleSat constellation. Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology Co. Ltd (21AT) acquired the total capacity from SSTL in 2011 during a signing ceremony attended by the Chinese Premier and British Prime Minister. Subsequently, prior to the 10th July 2015 launch on an Indian PSLV-XL rocket, Earth-i signed an agreement with 21AT to become a strategic partner and master distributor.
The orbital position of the three satellites means the constellation is able to target any point on the earth’s surface at least once per day providing reliable and consistent information to data users, particularly useful for a wide range of applications including change detection.
The unique combination of high spatial and temporal resolution, along with industry-leading technical specifications, will serve data users and support a wide range of applications in market sectors including oil and gas, security and defence, agriculture and construction.
Commenting on the news of the first images from the constellation, Richard Blain, CEO of Earth-i, said: “We are excited to be the enabling organisation, based in the UK, providing data users with access to the unique combination of spatial and temporal capabilities offered by this new British-built constellation. We recognise the need across multiple market sectors for high resolution images and data that are convenient and easy to access and supported by a range of innovative value-add services.” He continued: “The announcement of the first images from the three satellites is an exciting milestone along the road to the beginning of full operational data services towards the end of this year.”

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