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Earth-i presents at 1st AWS Defence Demo Day

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  • Earth-i presents at 1st AWS Defence Demo Day

7 November 2022 – Earth-i was chosen in August to be one of 10 start-ups chosen to work with #AWS on their first-ever Defence Accelerator.

With the initial accelerator phase now complete you can see the results by joining us this Wednesday, 9th November at 1500 (UK) for #AWSDefenceAccelerator Demo Day.

If you’d like to participate, you can still register here – Register – AWS Startups (

The Earth-i team will be demonstrating their dual use technology that supports multi domain integration (MDI) and improves Strategic awareness and Tactical insights through the automated collection and AI-enabled analysis of civilian and military satellite data, providing near real-time, multi-domain geospatial intelligence.

Huge thanks to the team at and AWS for all their insight, support and encouragement. Here’s to the next 18 months working together!

#technology #sustainability #cyber #nationalsecurity #event #mod #vcstartups #startups #aws #defencedigital #ncsc #space #logisticssolutions #cloud

About Earth-i

Earth-i is a geospatial intelligence company using machine learning, artificial intelligence and Earth Observation data to provide unique and relevant insights, derived from diverse geospatial data, that deliver clear decision advantage for businesses, governments and other organisations.

Earth-i provides advanced analytics using automated interpretation of a range of geospatial Earth Observation data sources including colour imagery, colour video, infra-red and radar from a range of sources including satellite, drone, aerial and ground-based sensors. This data is fused with additional data sources to extract factual understanding and generate predictive insights across a range of markets such as commodities, supply chain, agriculture, infrastructure and defence.

For more information visit:


Twitter: @Earthi_ 

LinkedIn: Earth-i

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