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Managing Unpredictability – exploring space data for the insurance sector

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  • Managing Unpredictability – exploring space data for the insurance sector

Earth-i is presenting at the 2018 Annual International Association of Claim Professionals (IACP) Conference in San Diego, California.
The conference brings together claims professional to meet, network and address specific industry developments from the insurance sector. The agenda boasts a number of specialist speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including artificial intelligence and big data.
Paul Majmader, Commercial Director at Earth-i, is providing a new element to the conference by sharing how satellite imagery can bolster the tool kit for insurance professionals. Paul’s talk entitled “The Fourth Dimension of Satellite Image Intelligence” will provide an overview of the current Earth observation technology, the benefits of very high-resolution data, and the importance of accessing timely, high-quality data. Paul will also share how full colour video from space will enable new depths of analysis and improved situational awareness which could further empower insurance processionals when decision making.
If you’d like to discuss how Earth-i could help you prepare and assess for insurance purposes, please contact:

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